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Self Care: Rest your soul, Girl . . .

Michelle Eubanks

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

Summer 2022

I had lunch with my mom recently. We have different conversations now that we are both grown, widows and mothers. We are more alike than we can probably ever fathom. We discussed self care as a newer concept. Self care is necessary source for relief. We often neglect our self care because we have not acknowledged that we need care and we need time to take care of our self—our soul.

Self care is so overused but also underestimated. Self care is not simply taking a picture of strawberries at a Sunday Farmer Market and posting to your social media with #selfcare #supersoulsunday. Self care is really hard work. We need to rest our souls. We get so busy that we do not take the time to slow down and check in with our self to see what care is needed. We become too hurried and we need to seek rest for our souls.


The cadence is also important. Self care needs to not only be intentional but also regular. I love the spa. I started going to spas almost 20 years ago. The spa I thought could solve all my problems and protect me from future stress. FALSE!!! Finally I realize that one 50-minute treatment, steam room and glass of champagne is not going to chip away at a week’s worth of activity. I need to do this all the time!!! Establish the frequency or even create a self care routine. You will eventually create a pattern of self care.

Don’t feel guilty

Hey, GIRL! Do not feel guilty for taking care of your soul. Yes! Those kids are annoying AF. Yes! Your partner can be needy AF. Yes! That job is demanding AF. Yes! Yes! Yes! Cleaning! Cooking! I could go on! There is always something that can steal your focus away from prioritizing your rest. All of that will still be waiting when you get done taking care of you and you will also be way more equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

Top 5 FREE Self Care Tips in 10 Minutes or Less

Kk! As great as it sounds most of us cannot get to the spa every month. Between childcare, work, budgeting, etc the spa could really become out of reach so when it does happen it is a true luxury. This does not however translate to self care is a luxury. It is, but you can afford it! There are plenty of FREE and quick ways to get a shot of self care. Here are my personal top 5 self care shots.

#5 10-minute Walk or any physical activity

Sometimes it is hard to put on shoes, open the door and go outside for a walk, but once that 10 minutes is over, you will feel like a new person again.

If you can’t get outside, YouTube 10 minute yoga or stretches.

#4 Aromatherapy

Light a candle. Burn incense. Diffuse essential oils. All of these take less than 5 minutes but the aroma can lasts for hours and it will immediately change your perspective.

"Love is the highest frequency. Rose essential oil connects us to love and elevates the body's frequency." – Shelly, Boss Healer | Fablane Jewels

#3 8-minutes of Indulgence

Do you have a hiding place in your home? I do! The holidays hit different now that I lost my husband. It is especially necessary at this time to take time for myself. During the holidays there is no shortage of sweets. Valentine’s Day season I have a dedicated box of chocolate in my hiding space. I will sneak away for 5-8 minutes and have a piece of chocolate. If I am feeling super indulgent I am also scrolling through social media. I listen out for the kids. Set a timer for 5 minutes and snooze for 3 minutes. Thank me later!

#2 Write it Down, GIRL!

I am so digital, but ain’t nothing like pen and paper. Start with a dedicated journal. How my OCD is set up I also have a dedicated pen. My life coach reminded me of the importance of journaling. Google “journaling prompts” if you can’t think of anything to write about.

#1 Close your eyes and sit with God

My #1 go to for now and forever will be God. He charges nothing and understands everything. A lot of time I do not have the words. I just close my eyes and begin, “Lord you know my heart…” Spending this time with God centers me and provides a peace and understanding that everything is going to be alright because God has His hand on me.


These are my top 5. Do you have your own? I am challenging you to do #2 right now. Pull out of a piece of paper and WRITE IT DOWN. Congratulations you have just taken steps to establishing your own personal self care routine. Comment below what you enjoy doing as part of your self care routine and let me know if you found this blog helpful. It's my first one, y'all!!

For more tips and best practices click here to order your copy of Hey, GIRL! You ain't trippin - They are crazy . . .

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